La conception de puces Open-Source prend place dans la Silicon Valley

Une norme vieille de dix ans pour la conception de semi-conducteurs appelés RISC-V gagne en traction alors que les entreprises technologiques cherchent à fabriquer leurs propres puces de haute performance et spécialisées pour l’intelligence artificielle et les appareils mobiles.

Big tech firms invest in the RISC-V standard as artificial intelligence drives greater interest in chip innovation

Chinese chip maker Sophgo’s SG2042 chip is pictured at the 2023 World Artificial Intelligence Conference in Shanghai in July. The chip is based on the RISC-V open design, which is gaining in popularity as tech giants seek specialized hardware. Photo: Cfoto/Zuma Press

A decade-old standard for designing semiconductors called RISC-V is gaining traction as technology companies look at making their own high-performance and specialized chips for artificial intelligence and mobile devices.

RISC-V, pronounced “risk five,” was developed in 2010 as a simplified, open-source chip “instruction set. ” It can be used to create a variety of chip blueprints for devices like smartwatches, laptops and data center servers, and is easier to customize for specific uses like AI computing. It is also free—unlike proprietary chip designs from market leader Arm—so processors can be built at lower cost with possibly better efficiency.

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